Get Strategic... Stay On Track

Work through the Get Strategic Program + Access Your Own Virtual Mentor to Help You Stay on Track for just US$75 a month.

There are certain key points along the journey when it's useful to have someone review the assumptions you've made and decisions you've taken. 

You might like someone to review a Cornerstone Worksheet on the program or an Implementation Piece like a Landing Page you've tweaked, a Twitter account, a Pull Up Banner, a Brand etc.  Or it could be something else.

It's always a comfort to know that the HowGMW Team is on hand to give you specific tips and insights into the stage you are at in your business or a piece of marketing you are working on. 

So, How Does it Work?

Work through the Get Strategic... Get Results! program immediately and each month you will be sent an email that allows you to Request a Review of something in your business. It might be a piece of marketing you are working on or it might be one of the worksheets that you would like to stress test your assumptions on. Just follow the instructions in the email and upload anything you want us to see. Then leave the rest to us. 

Within 2 Business Days you will receive a Screencast analysing your worksheet, marketing collateral or landing page etc and giving you specific feedback on whatever it is you are working on.  

The recording allows you to play back our insights whenever you want so that you can make the changes whenever you are ready. This ensures you stay on track and have the impact you need in all your marketing.

So, What's a Cornerstone Worksheet?

There are certain worksheets on the program that are pivotal in the development of your strategy. In fact, there's at least one in every module.

Sometimes you'll get what you need from the questions that others have asked in this section and other times you'll just want feedback on your particular situation.

This is how you can!

Example Cornerstone Worksheets:

  • 2.4 Now Build the Path
  • 3.1 So What Have you Got
  • 4.4 Get Up Close and Personal
  • and so on...

What you decide here in these worksheets can affect both strategic and tactical decisions you make later.

And this is why we created the Stay On Track Reviews. We wanted you to be able to get the expert insight you need at each stage of your journey.  

What's an Implementation Piece?

We realised when we were putting this offering together that members of the program also wanted to be able to get feedback when they got to the implementation stage of their marketing.

Some of the things we were being asked about included:

  • Landing Pages
  • Brands
  • Pull Up Banners
  • Pieces of copy they were writing
  • And other one off pieces...

So we decided to expand our review service to allow you to get feedback on whatever you are working on in your business. 

So, How do I get Started?

Just sign up for Get Strategic with On Track Feedback today.

Get started working through the program and each month Just reply to our monthly email to you with your question for that month.

You will receive a video within two business days highlighting the areas that need adjusting, with insights for you and your business.  

Just remember, we want to support you in any way we can to make your business the success it deserves to be.  And, this is an accessible way to get advice as you take your journey. 

Don't wait any Longer...  

Get the Advice you Need and Stay on Track!